

The NVC Sidekicks program is a peers-supporting-peers model designed to support students during the first year of their educational journey. Sidekicks work hand-in-hand with NVC Certified Advisors to provide quality support to their mentees (Synergy). The program was created in an effort to promote and support the relationship between advising and the student body, as well as increase persistence and retention amongst our FTIC students.

任务: To enhance the 建议 experience by providing a high level of service that will ensure students meet their desired goal.

愿景: To support students in their first year of their educational journey that will enable them to master the tools needed for success (Learning). 


Peer mentors are students just like you who want to help you learn how to successfully navigate your way through college and achieve your goals. 他们这样做的方式如下:

  • 帮助你从高中过渡到大学
  • Provide you with information regarding college processes and/or policies that can affect you such as how to add or drop a class, 安排咨询约会, 如何有效地利用你的GPS计划, 以及如何取得你的注册密码
  • Connect you with the various resources available to you such as tutoring, 利用图书馆服务, 还有各种各样的写作中心
  • Connect you with the various resources that are designed to support your academic progress such as emergency aid, 食品储藏室, 等.
  • 更多,更多!


Once we receive your information, we will assign you to a Sidekick. Your Sidekick will introduce themselves to you through your ACES email and provide information on how to schedule remote meeting sessions (sessions will be held through Zoom). 除了, 他们会定期给你发送重要的更新信息, such as when registration will begin for the upcoming semester, 资源亮点和其他有趣的东西. 

  • 谁有资格被分配一个助手?

    • 大学第一学期入学的学生


    • Students who are in their second semester and are on 留校察看 and would like help improving their GPA

    If you are interested in being assigned a Sidekick Peer mentor, it is as easy as clicking the following link and filling out the form! 不到5分钟.


    完成 同侪学员兴趣表 与伙伴导师建立联系. Responses will be received through your ACEs email within 3-4 business days. 

  • We are always on the lookout for students who enjoy helping others and want to become a part of the 伙伴导师计划. Not only will you helping your fellow students be as successful as you are, but you will learn important skills (transferrable skills) that will benefit you in your professional careers. If you are interested in joining the Sidekick Peer Mentor team, 您需要满足以下条件:

    • You must have completed the FAFSA financial aid application for 21-22 and be eligible to be a work study student- if you are not sure if you are eligible, 或者想了解更多关于勤工俭学的信息, 你可浏览 书院勤工俭学网页
    • 必须在网上完成勤工俭学工作申请 阿拉莫大学的就业情况 选择“勤工俭学”
    • Must have completed at least one semester in college (at the 阿拉莫大学 or as a transfer student) with an overall institutional GPA of 2.5或以上
    • 必须计划在未来至少注册两个学期吗
    • 必须能够每周工作至少12小时

    除了, 我们希望在培训中聘请同行导师, who become eligible to be Peer mentors after completing the following:

    • completed one semester of college with an overall institutional GPA of 2.5或以上 
    • plan to continue being a student at NVC for at least two future semesters
    • 满足上面列出的要求

    If you are interested in being a Peer Mentor or Mentor in Training, please complete the 同伴导师问卷. You will receive a response through your ACEs email within 3-4 business days.