Academic Standards

学术地位是衡量学生相对于学位要求的学术成就, 并决定他们是否有资格继续他们的学术计划/和/或有资格毕业. 如果一个学生在一个学期以上的时间里表现不佳,可能会让他们无法继续上课,最长可达一个学年.

学术地位是在每年秋季结束时通过评估学期和整体机构gpa来确定的, spring and summer term. 

What is Good Academic Standing?

Acceptable scholastic performance, also known as Good Academic Standing, 是基于学生成功完成课程和项目的进展. 优秀成绩意味着学生的总体平均成绩至少达到2分.0 (an average of a "C" in all courses), including developmental courses. 如果你的整体GPA低于2分,那么你的优秀成绩就会受到影响.这可能会让你留校察看,并有可能被开除学籍. 在你所在学校上的课程会被用来计算你的学期和学校的总体gpa.

西北维斯塔学院表彰你在上一所大学的学术地位. 需要提交显示您的学术地位的官方成绩单以供审查.  

What is my Academic Standing?

If you are unsure of your academic standing, there are a few ways you can check your student account to find out. 首先,你的NVC gpa会在你的成绩单上显示. This will tell you if you have an overall institutional GPA 2.0 or higher, which is needed to be in good standing. 其次, you can look at your GPS plan, 它会告诉你你上个学期的成绩. 如果你对你目前的GPA和成绩有疑问,我们建议你去找你指定的认证学术顾问. 请充分利用可以提供的帮助和指导,这样你就可以避免阻碍你实现目标的情况. You may view the Academic Standards policy online at: Academic Standing and 缓刑

What is Academic 缓刑?

留校察看是指你的总GPA和学期GPA都低于2分.0. Once Academic 缓刑, 你需要与学校的支持服务紧密合作(包括你指定的顾问和讲师),并利用学校的资源来帮助你恢复你的GPA,避免被开除. 你可能没有意识到,因为学业原因被开除可能会严重限制你未来对大学和专业的选择, as well as your ability to continue enrollment at NVC. 留校察看是可能产生严重后果的过程的一部分. If you are on financial aid, veteran’s assistance, or a family health insurance policy, you run the risk of losing that assistance. 请充分利用这个机会,从学术顾问和老师那里获得帮助和指导,这样你就可以避免未来出现更严重的情况. If you are wanting more information about Academic 缓刑 click here.

What is Academic Dismissal?

如果被留校察看或继续留校察看的学生不获得a 学期 GPA 2.0 as well as an overall institutional GPA 2.在试用期结束后的一个学期,他们将被开除学籍. In accordance with the 阿拉莫大学' 区 policy, 被开除学籍的学生必须休学一整个秋季或春季学期. Students placed on Academic Dismissal will receive ace的电子邮件 notification informing them of their status at the end of the 学期. For more information about Academic Dismissal click here.