Dr. 布莱恩的

健壮,博士. 布莱恩
标题: Professor | Biology
部门: 物理 & Natural Sciences
办公室: LOH 306 - r
电话: 210-486-4378 Ext: 64378

关于博士. 布莱恩的

研究所:  健康 & 生物科学


Ph.D. | Neuropharmacology | University Texas 健康 Science Center

B.S. | Biology | University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥


Would love to help any students that need advice on how to pursue their scholastic and career goals. I have been advising students in biology, pre-health and nursing.


My academic background is in brain research, studying antidepressants and hallucinogens.


My academic background is in brain research, studying antidepressants and hallucinogens. At NVC I have been advising students in biology, pre-health and nursing for over 15 years. Would love to help any students that need advice on how to pursue their scholastic and career goals.