注入 -这是什么意思?


西北维斯塔学院 employees are here to 注入 information literacy skills for students in and outside the classroom.


这封信 "F" 代表: 找到 

  • 学生将能够 efficiently and effectively 找到 reliable and relevant sources to meet their information needs by using the library and various information sources appropriately to explore a topic

  • 学生将能够 找到 and use 大学 and 学生服务 to meet their academic and personal needs

我们生活在信息时代, and "information" is increasing at a rapid pace via internet, 社交媒体, 电视, 广播, and other resources available 24 hours a day, 一周7天. That's why finding high-quality information is getting harder than ever. Not all available information is worthwhile or even true. 找到好东西才是 总是很容易甚至是免费的.

The definition of an information literate person - a person who can find and manage information -- goes beyond writing a research paper or knowing how to solve a math problem.  It may impact your ability to get and keep a job and build a career. It means being inquisitive and persevering to find what is necessary to get the job done.


这封信 "U" 注入中表示: 使用 

Using critical thinking skills to recognize and analyze information:

  • Using sources that are credible on your research paper

  • Using available campus resources to find help: labs, 支持服务, 奖学金, 财政援助

  • Using appropriate resources and tools to find an internship or a job in your chosen career on or off campus


这封信 "S" 注入中表示: 合成 

Synthesize academic and college services by gathering and integrating resources into an ePortfolio

  • Synthesizing means thinking at a higher level than just reciting facts, figures or summarizing

  • Synthesizing means taking ideas you are learning in different classes and putting them together so they make sense

  • Synthesizing all that you know about college services and putting them to use when needed to enhance your college life

In the coming weeks, you'll see more communication about an ePortfolio which you'll be able to create as a student at 西北维斯塔学院. This portfolio will be the highlight of your best work that you can use when applying for internships or jobs. It will help you gather relevant pieces that showcase what you've learned and eventually lead you 关闭r to your chosen career.


这封信 "E" 注入中表示: 评估

Evaluate information and sources through identification of bias, 权威, 相关性, 和信誉:

  • 作者是谁?? 这些信息是从哪里来的? Is information one-sided or does it explore multiple points of view?

  • Does this person or entity providing information have the 权威, 知识或经验, 写或报告这个主题?

  • Is the information relevant to me or to the topic or issue that I'm looking for?  这些信息有多长时间了?

  • Is the information or the person providing it credible and can be trusted in regards to the topic or issue?


下周: 信息 ePortfolio which you'll be able to create as a student at 西北维斯塔学院.
