Strategies of Behavioral Intervention (SOBI)

The Strategies of Behavioral Intervention (SOBI) policy at the 阿拉莫大学 区 was created to guide our 大学 community to recognize, prevent and respond to students-of-concern, or incidents that are disruptive, threatening, or violent. When in doubt, please report!

Examples of concerning behaviors include (but are not limited to):

  • 骚扰的迹象
  • 恐吓
  • 极端的焦虑,
  • 抑郁症,
  • 威胁伤害,
  • 行为不稳定;或
  • disconnect from reality. 

Faculty and staff are often in a position to recognize students who are at risk; however, students are encouraged to review the SOBI guidelines and report concerning behaviors to the SOBI response team.

The 西北Vista 大学 SOBI Response Team consists of the Vice President of Student Success, 德盖坦字,与…一起 campus counselors, disability specialists, veteran's affairs staff, and campus police. Please call us for more information.

Student Satisfaction Survey

Have you met with our counselors before? We want to know what you think!  

Please click HERE to take our ANONYMOUS Satisfaction Survey